Eva Dean Dance

In 2017, I was commissioned by Brooklyn-based Eva Dean Dance Company to compose music for Eva Dean's trilogy Liquid Silver. The project has been a cross of composing original soundscapes as well as collaborating musically with the choreographer using sound samples she has compiled in recent years and her vision for her work. "LIQUID SILVER is a trilogy comprised of Pendulum, Labyrinth, and Sanctuary. Each part of this trilogy is crafted to represent the metamorphosis from transcending out of trauma and into personal solace and freedom through the kinetic language of movement." (ref: Eva Dean Dance). The project has thus far been performed at St. Mark's Church, Judson Church, Grahamstown South Africa National Arts Festival, and Prospect Park falls 2017 and 2018. The development of sound for each new section of the trilogy is a work-in-progress.

Below is one of the compositions I made for Liquid Silver.  

Proteo Media

Below, excerpts from a ten-movement score I created for Proteo Media’s evening-length premiere of Separate Oceans production, performed at TheaterLab January 18-20, 2019. Choreographed by Kathleen Kelley.